Our Little Helpers
In an effort to declutter, I have been selling things on ebay. After paying ebay fees and paypal fees there isn't a lot left but I have to say its very addictive!
For me as I hate housework, it means that despite the fees, I am clearing things I no longer need and have lots less to dust or find places for! It is said that a home is the reflection of you and that just really puts the lid on my post New Beginnings. Oh dear what a poor reflection.
For those of you who don't use Ebay, when you purchase something you are asked to pay straight away, and in all the things I have sold this is exactly what happened. But a few weeks ago I received notification that I had sold an item and no payment was forthcoming
I waited a couple of days, wondering what had happened to the buyer, and then emailed them. A day later I received the money and an apology as they thought they had paid. Ebay advised me in the meantime that there was a blip in the website, so it wasn't the buyers fault or carelessness.
But, this opened up the lines of communication with the buyer who had purchased the item because they had recently lost two cats - well lost in that their physical presence was no longer on this Earth plane.
Now I do know what it is like to have an animal pass over and go back Home, so I was able to resonate with this buyer. I was able to assure her that her feline friends would stay with her as long as she wanted them too. Indeed, I remember when Garfield passed over, that I could still feel him sleeping on my pillow and hear his gentle purr. I could even feel his fur on my face.
Garfield who left us many years ago |
I explained that she had to welcome them as spirit into her home, and acknowledge them when they did appear or if she was unable to see them, then accept that her feelings and thoughts would guide her as to their presence. In real terms, she had to throw logic out of the window and rely on her intuition, and feelings.
I am pleased to say that over the course of our emails, she was able to accept her sightings of her lovely feline friends and she wasn't feeling so sad about their departure.
But, as I said at the beginning, The Universe sure moves in mysterious ways, and had there not been a blip with Ebay, I would never have been able to help this lady.