Tuesday, 20 May 2014

The Universe Moves in Mysterious Ways

Our Little Helpers

In an effort to declutter, I have been selling things on ebay.  After paying ebay fees and paypal fees there isn't a lot left but I have to say its very addictive!  

For me as I hate housework, it means that despite the fees, I am clearing things I no longer need and have lots less to dust or find places for!  It is said that a home is the reflection of you and that just really puts the lid on my post New Beginnings.  Oh dear what a poor reflection.

For those of you who don't use Ebay, when you purchase something you are asked to pay straight away, and in all the things I have sold this is exactly what happened.  But a few weeks ago I received notification that I had sold an item and no payment was forthcoming

I waited a couple of days, wondering what had happened to the buyer, and then emailed them.  A day later I received the money and an apology as they thought they had paid.  Ebay advised me in the meantime that there was a blip in the website, so it wasn't the buyers fault or carelessness.

But, this opened up the lines of communication with the buyer who had purchased the item because they had recently lost two cats - well lost in that their physical presence was no longer on this Earth plane.
Garfield who left us many years ago
Now I do know what it is like to have an animal pass over and go back Home, so I was able to resonate with this buyer.  I was able to assure her that her feline friends would stay with her as long as she wanted them too.  Indeed, I remember when Garfield passed over, that I could still feel him sleeping on my pillow and hear his gentle purr.  I could even feel his fur on my face.

I explained that she had to welcome them as spirit into her home, and acknowledge them when they did appear or if she was unable to see them, then accept that her feelings and thoughts would guide her as to their presence.  In real terms, she had to throw logic out of the window and rely on her intuition, and feelings.

I am pleased to say that over the course of our emails, she was able to accept her sightings of her lovely feline friends and she wasn't feeling so sad about their departure.

But, as I said at the beginning, The Universe sure moves in mysterious ways, and had there not been a blip with Ebay, I would never have been able to help this lady.


Sunday, 18 May 2014

Bargaining with the Universe

What happens if you don't complete your part?

Desperate times call for desperate measures - is something I have heard very often.  And, when people are desperately ill or in real dire straights, they will often make a bargain with the Universe.

As a general rule, when these things happen, our first thoughts are why is this happening to me?  What have I done to deserve this?  Well, there is no easy answer - it can be a myriad of things - there is no one size fits all.
But at the time when we try to work it out - everything is just a blur and clouded over with logical thoughts.

It could of course be something you agreed to experience before you landed on this planet.  It could be something in your subconscious beliefs that make you feel you deserve to have whatever it is. It could result from choices you have made or indeed have not made.

But does it really matter how you arrived at this point - the fact is that you have and now you have to make some changes!

Those changes may include healthier diets, more exercise, lifestyle changes, improving your finances etc.  But more often than not there is a plan for the future.

The message is sent to the Higher Beings, your Guides and your Helpers that if you get through this challenge you will.................................Perhaps you agree to always eat healthier, change your lifestyle, be friends with your enemies, become more spiritual, meditate every day, go to church daily - the bargaining can be anything.

But what happens if once you have made that bargain, and your life improves in the way you wanted it to, then you don't do the things you promised?  

Like New Year Resolutions, when things change for the better, your side of the bargain seems to get lost, forgotten, ignored.  It no longer holds a place in your reality.

Now I have to confess I have no idea what happens if you simply change your mind!  Is it like a human contractual agreement that you shouldn't break?  We know that there are no 'punishing Higher Beings' so we don't have to worry about that.  

But isn't it really a case that you are letting yourself down rather than a Higher Being?  Isn't the bargain actually with your own Higher Self and in not adhering to that bargain, you are actually letting yourself down?  If at the point of desperation you wanted to do this or that and it was important to you, and now that you are no longer in a desperate state its of no importance, aren't you falling back into the same space as you were in before your life wasn't what you wanted?

Have you made a bargain with the Universe and not completed your part?  How would your current life be, if you had kept your promise I wonder.  

Certainly something to think about particularly when things aren't going that well.


New Beginnings

Clear Your Brain Clutter

I spent last week going through my emails and finally deleted over 6000!

These were mainly sites that I had subscribed to, that send hoards of emails and I hadn't bothered to actually read them.  Well, I guess I had read them in the early days and then simply saved to read later and never did.

But, it was an eye opener as to things I had been interested in over the years and in most cases had long since forgotten.

The deletion of the information that was no longer serving me any purpose, reminded me of the clutter we keep in our subconscious.  Things we have thought about, things that we no longer remember in our conscious thoughts, things we have done that we have forgotten about.

All of these things impact on our daily lives, and it would serve us all well to to look at our beliefs and where they came from.

I see our brain as holding all sorts of information - a bit like Wikipedia, it holds an awful lot of information which has been written by someone who believed in what they wrote, but it may not necessarily be true!  

So when I subscribed to some newsletter or other, I believed that I needed that information for the path I wanted to travel (at that time), and wanted to learn about it.  But having filled my head with this new knowledge, I decided on a conscious level that I would no longer benefit, or it wasn't the path I wanted, so no longer read the emails.

Is it time for you to spring clean your thoughts and beliefs?  Are they really serving you a purpose now or are they holding you back?

Its important to realise that your subconscious beliefs over ride your conscious thoughts.  As an example if you consciously see an oak tree, but in your subconscious you have been taught that its a beech tree, then your conscious thought is over ridden and the tree becomes a beech.  In real terms whilst your conscious mind knew it was an oak tree, the superior subconscious mind reminded you from your beliefs that it was in fact a beech tree.

If you want new beginnings now, then you really need to hook out the subconscious beliefs that are holding you back. 

Remember - in the words of Jim Rohn - For things to Change, You have to Change
